
Visit of Chairman of Shanxi Federation of Social Sciences


On the morning of October 18, 2018, Gan Hui, the Chairman of Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, paid a visit to the Institute for Studies in County Economy Development. Pan Baotian, the Deputy Dean of the Lanzhou University presented and hosted this panel.

During the meeting, Mao Jinhuang, the Executive Dean of the institute briefly introduced the basic condition and major achivements of our institute.

Pan Baotian presented sincere thanks to Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Social Sciences for their concerns and support to our institute. He pointed out our institute would remain a crucial consultancy platform for our university as it would play a significant role to boost scientific research.We expected to expand bilateral academic cooperation to complement each other in terms of county economic growth and rural revitalization. Therefore, we are able to voice the features of Lanzhou by providing intelligence support to local social and economic prosperity.

Gan Hui fully appreciated what we have achieved in every aspect of this institute. He also added that we should focus on Gansu by centering on national and central strategies on county economic growth and rural revitalization, as we keep broadening our horizon to the world and bringing in talents to make greater contributions to social and economic development.

Relevant staff from Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, Office and Social Sciences and other Divisions participated in this activity.

Pictured and written by Wu Yue

October 18, 2018

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